LOVE and OTHER DISASTERS Premieres in L.A. during OUTFEST 2007Post author:hfadmin1Post published:July 19, 2007Post category:Gallery Continue ReadingLOVE and OTHER DISASTERS Premieres in L.A. during OUTFEST 2007
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GINOONG PILIPINAS USA 2008 in New YorkPost author:hfadmin1Post published:July 12, 2007Post category:Gallery Continue ReadingGINOONG PILIPINAS USA 2008 in New York
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OUTFEST Opening NightPost author:hfadmin1Post published:July 12, 2007Post category:Gallery Continue ReadingOUTFEST Opening Night
EL CANTANTE PremierePost author:hfadmin1Post published:July 10, 2007Post category:Gallery Continue ReadingEL CANTANTE Premiere
TRANFORMERSPost author:hfadmin1Post published:June 27, 2007Post category:Gallery Continue ReadingTRANFORMERS
Introducing the Dwight’s PremierePost author:hfadmin1Post published:June 26, 2007Post category:Gallery Continue ReadingIntroducing the Dwight’s Premiere
LOVE TO LAUGHPost author:hfadmin1Post published:June 23, 2007Post category:Gallery Continue ReadingLOVE TO LAUGH